Saturday, March 18, 2006

Sort of an Intro Post

Well, I'm not entirely sure anyone's actually going to read this blog, but at least I'll be able to get these feelings out in the open. Is there anything worse than being in the closet about something and not being able to share it with your closest friends? Well, I do have one friend that knows more or less the depth of what I yearn for and a few others that know I "like to be spanked".

But how can I explain that it goes so much deeper than that? Yes, I like to be spanked. For me, there's nothing more powerful than laying across a man's lap, waiting for the next blow to land. Or bent across the bed, waiting for the bite of a strap. I'm still waiting for a full-out spanking that will bring me to tears, but it seems that might be a long-time coming.'s not just about "kink" and it's not about the pain. There is this incredible emotional release that comes with that experience. And a it takes a huge amount of trust for me to put myself in that position with a man. As well, there is a freedom that I can't explain in submitting to a man I care about. How does one go about finding such a man, though? I suppose I shall see, sometime down the road.
Well, this has been a rambling enough post, so I shall leave you all with this information to ponder *smile* Feel free to comment, offer advice, suggestions, criticism...whatever. Until next time....

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